Attention from Monday to Sunday

ARIAS ®, is a legal entity of private law that is dedicated to providing maintenance services in general, classification of lubricants and washing for all types of linear, light, load and heavy vehicles. Legally domiciled at Av. Mariscal Andres Avelino Caceres No. 2057, in Iquitos, Loreto, Perú. ARIAS Lubricentro makes available to all Internet users the access to the website through the URL:, access to and use of its services and/or content is governed by the PRIVACY POLICY AND TERMS OF USE. Every USER accepts from the moment they access the WEBSITE in full and without any kind of reservation all and each of the clauses included in these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE.

ARIAS ®, makes available to the USERS (as defined in Clause II) the possibility of:

  • Access the contents and services of the WEBSITE, and to register in the systems available in the same, provided that they do so in accordance with the provisions of these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE.

  • Reserve the right to modify or delete the content, structure, services, access conditions and TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE at any time and without prior notice, whenever it deems appropriate, as well as the right to interpret these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE, in matters that may arise its practical application. The e-mail address of ARIAS Lubricentro for the purposes of the WEBSITE is

ARIAS ®, and the team of professionals, validates the access and/or use of the WEBSITE. You fully and without any kind of reservation and every one of the clauses included in these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE, whether or not you were:

  • “VISITOR”, which means that you only browse the WEBSITE through any type of device with internet connection either: computer, tablet, mobile phone or similar, or any other way of using the WEBSITE without being registered; or

  • “REGISTERED VISITOR”, which means that you have registered on the WEBSITE with a user name and password, and that you browse the WEBSITE through any type of device with an internet connection either: computer, tablet, mobile phone or similar, or any other way of using the WEBSITE.

In any case, ARIAS Lubricentro reserves the right to, at any time and without prior notice, deny access to the WEBSITE or cancel the condition of such to those USERS who violate any of these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE, or the applicable specific conditions, in accordance with the provisions of CLASE XII: CANCELLATION OF USER STATUS.

You can register as a REGISTERED VISITOR on the WEBSITE by creating a REGISTERED VISITOR account by selecting a unique username and password. The REGISTERED VISITOR agrees that he/she will never disclose or share the access information to their REGISTERED VISITOR account to third parties for any reason, as their username and password are of any reason, as their username and password are of a personal nature. This also includes a prohibition against using such information for profit or commercial purposes for your own benefit. THE VISITOR REGISTERED on the WEBSITE has the status of USER and as such accepts without any reservation, the content of these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE and the specific conditions that may complement them, replace or modify them in any way in relation to the services and contents of the WEBSITE.

As either a "Visitor" or a "Registered Visitor" (all within the scope of the WEBSITE USER status), you may not post, upload, or transmit to the WEBSITE any content or other information:

  • That is fraudulent or that defames, accuses, discriminates or threatens others.

  • That contains any type of computer virus in any form, or any computer program that tries to damage, interfere, intercept or access in an authorized way the WEBSITE or the information contained therein.

  • That you do not have the right to disclose or publish according to any law or according to a contractual relationship (such as privileged information, or information acquired within a business relationship or information obtained under confidentiality agreements).

  • To generate a high volume of web traffic on the WEBSITE, through the use of electronic, automated or any other means.

  • Infringes copyrights, patents, trademark registrations, trade secrets, rights of publicity, or any other intellectual property or property rights of a third party.

  • Violates the rights of other USERS of the WEBSITE.

  • Violate applicable local, national or international laws.

The contents published on the WEBSITE including access to INFORMATION SYSTEMS are the property of ARIAS Lubricentro, except in cases where such contents belong to a third party. ARIAS Lubricentro reserves the right to modify, change or delete the contents, structures, at the time and occasion it deems appropriate, these modifications may be communicated to the USER up to one day before being made.

Subject to compliance with these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE, ARIAS Lubricentro grants the USER the license (revocable at any time, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-resellable), to access and use the contents of the WEBSITE including access to the contents and the INFORMATION SYSTEMS, in this case being a license for temporary use. The use of such contents by USER shall be only for the purposes intended by ARIAS Lubricentro.

The WEBSITE, allows the USER to publish and/or upload content in the form of questions or answers in question forums or other forms of social interaction. ARIAS Lubricentro doesn’t have any ownership rights to the USER GENERATED CONTENT being the owner of the property rights of the same the USER, considering that:

  • The USER by making use of the communication mechanisms of the WEBSITE accepts that all communications made through these mechanisms are public and not private, that such communications are not the responsibility of ARIAS Lubricentro, and that such communications are not approved or reviewed prior to publication by ARIAS Lubricentro. However, ARIAS Lubricentro reserves the right to review, monitor or remove such communications in accordance with these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE.

  • ARIAS Lubricentro has the right to remove USER GENERATED CONTENT in the circumstance, at the time and for the reason it deems appropriate.

  • The USER warrants that the content generated and/or posted by it (USER GENERATED CONTENT) complies with all applicable local, national and international laws as well as these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE. The USER assumes sole responsibility in this regard, thereby releasing ARIAS Lubricentro from all liability in this respect.

The WEBSITE, allows the USER to use communication mechanisms including but not limited to question and answer forums, comment forums, etc. The USER accepts that such communication mechanisms shall be used for the purposes provided by ARIAS Lubricentro and that their use is governed by these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE, considering in:

  • Grant the irrevocable, perpetual, free of payment and exclusive right to ARIAS Lubricentro over said USER GENERATED CONTENT in order for ARIAS Lubricentro to use, reproduce, modify, adapt and use for commercial or advertising purposes the USER GENERATED CONTENT, including the right to sub-license such content as often and for the purposes ARIAS Lubricentro deems appropriate.

  • In addition, ARIAS Lubricentro provides the USER with information related to the use of the WEBSITE and the INFORMATION SYSTEMS, e-mails, telephone calls, the USER acknowledges and accepts that such communications may be recorded or monitored for the purpose of evaluating the quality of service provided to the USER.

Although the USER acknowledges that ARIAS Lubricentro has provided him/her with all relevant information from E-commerce, so that the USER can make an appropriate decision, ARIAS Lubricentro grants a guarantee to the USER the return of payment for online purchases, which is detailed below:

  • The USER may request the return of the total amount paid within a maximum period of two calendar days after the payment made for online purchases.

  • In the event they have generated expenses related to currency exchange rate differences or additional fees not considered within the published price, ARIAS Lubricentro will not assume the return of those amounts, the amount to be repaid is calculated on the net amount received by ARIAS Lubricentro.

The USER accepts that ARIAS Lubricentro doesn’t guarantee or take responsibility, in any case or under any circumstance, for the following aspects related to the use of the WEBSITE including the INFORMATION SYSTEMS, or any damages that may arise from them:

  • Difficulties of access to the WEBSITE including access to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS by the USER.

  • The quality, ownership, legitimacy, suitability or relevance of the contents of the WEBSITE including the INFORMATION SYSTEMS.

  • The transmission of computer viruses and similar to the USER'S equipment, as a consequence of the use of the WEBSITE.

  • The illicit, negligent, fraudulent or malicious use of the contents of the WEBSITE including the INFORMATION SYSTEMS.

  • Non-compliance with or infringements of local, national or international laws in force in the field of intellectual property rights, information rights protected by contractual agreements; rights of honor, image, property, advertising or competition, among others from third parties.

  • Defects in the contents and/or services of the WEBSITE as a whole including those corresponding to the INFORMATION SYSTEMS.

  • For the non-performance, on the part of third parties, of their obligations or guarantees derived or contracted in relation to the services provided to USERS through the WEBSITE, as well as the lack of quality, reliability, suitability for what is offered, legality, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to USERS on the WEBSITE.

The above list is not exclusive or excluding in any of its points. In all the mentioned cases or cases of similar nature, ARIAS Lubricentro doesn’t assume any responsibility for damages of any nature related to the points stated above in this clause.

ARIAS Lubricentro, is not responsible in any way for the content of third parties web sites that are linked through hyperlinks published on the WEB SITE, including those published within the INFORMATION SYSTEMS, (hereinafter referred to as the "LINKED WEB SITES"). The USER acknowledges and accepts that ARIAS Lubricentro doesn’t guarantee or have any responsibility for the quality, ownership, legitimacy, adequacy or relevance of the contents and services provided in the LINKED WEBSITES. ARIAS Lubricant center, reserves the right to remove and/or modify the hyperlinks to the LINKED WEBSITES published on the WEBSITE at any time and under any circumstance it deems appropriate, without prior notice to the USER.

The registered USER may cancel his condition as such on the WEBSITE by sending an e-mail to with the details of his USER account. Likewise, ARIAS Lubricentro may cancel its USER status in the following cases:

  • If you have violated any of the provisions of these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE or any of the provisions of the TERMS OF USE associated with any of the INFORMATION SYSTEMS.

  • If you have repeatedly failed to comply with the spirit of any of the clauses of these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE.

  • If ARIAS Lubricentro considers that it can no longer provide services to the USER due to restrictions of a commercial or technological nature.

In the event of loss of USER status, ARIAS Lubricentro acknowledges that even if such status is lost, these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE and the PARTICULAR TERMS OF USE are applicable to the resolution of any claims or proceedings that are pending or brought after the USER has lost such status.

The USER agrees that when it loses its status as a user, it will lose all rights, data and information associated with its user account, releasing ARIAS Lubricentro from any further claims related to this point.

ARIAS Lubricentro respects the intellectual property rights of third parties, and the legal frameworks that regulate intellectual property. If you have any observations about a possible violation of your intellectual property rights please write to us at the following e-mail address: detailing your observation and including your contact information: name, address, telephone numbers and e-mail address.

The present TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE have been prepared under the guidelines of the legislation of the Republic of Peru. Access to and use of the WEBSITE as well as issues arising from these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE are subject to the laws of the Republic of Peru. Not provided for in these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE OR IN THE PARTICULAR TERMS OF USE ASSOCIATED WITH THE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, ARIAS Lubricentro and the USER are subject to the provisions of the Civil Code and other rules of the legal system of the Republic of Peru that are applicable. For all purposes of this Agreement ARIAS Lubricentroand the USER waive the jurisdiction of their domicile and for any dispute are submitted to arbitration by a sole arbitrator appointed by the Chamber of Commerce of Lima in the Republic of Peru, in accordance with the rules of the latter entity. For any notification ARIAS Lubricentro declares that its address is the one expressed in the introduction of these TERMS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE and the USER declares that its address is the one that informed ARIAS Lubricentro in due time, in the event of a change of address, the other party must be notified 30 days in advance via the website; otherwise, the previously informed address will be valid.
